Weight loss seems to have stopped. After losing 17 kg, my
body seems to have gotten used to not getting much nourishment twice a week.
Either that, or I’m putting on muscle weight as I’ve started running on a more
regular basis.
I run 3km twice per week (on the mornings of my fasting days,
even) and a progressively longer run every Sunday (shooting for 13 km next
Sunday and +2 km every Sunday after that until I hit 35 km). The short runs are
done as fast as I can – ~5 min./km – while the longer runs are kept at a more
moderate pace. I’ve discovered that running’s quite fun, although the
near-freezing run in the dark at 6 am is tough.
I set myself the goal of adhering to the 5:2 diet for three
months. It’s closing in on five months now, and it’s only the past two weeks that’ve
been hard. It is absolutely amazing what a motivator a weight loss can be! So
the next three months will be hard. However, if I continue to see a change in how
I look, it may help. What I’ve learned for now is that the scales is not your
friend! So no more weighing for me for the next three weeks - it's a level of disappointment I don't need.