So we have Kreolino the Ranger (player: CEO), Hérion the Magus (player: Sales Director), Pephannes the Rogue (counterfeit mage archetype) (player: Genius Colleague), and Aknot the Oracle (player: Friend Colleague).
All equipped with their shiny new backstories and their 1st-level equipment, they attend the Swallowtail Festival in Sandpoint and... Things go pretty much by the book. Two groups of goblins attacked as one. No biggie. I messed around in the town a bit. God, it would be great to just have all the information immediately available. It would require a fast tablet, a hyperlink-heavy map with pop-up features and a good search function.
Good things: The games before the goblin attack were fun. Combat went smoothly, and they know now that goblins are bat-shit crazy. They are appreciative of the story and the players gel well together.
Bad things: I NEED to get the city straight. I need to be better with the minis in order to minimize the wait. Part of this is logistics:
3 pm: Bone up on last details/finish work
4 pm: Drive for takeout
4:45: get back, set up in CEO's office, if possible, set plates for dinner
5 pm: Eat
5:30'is: Game
But they're hooked. CEO roared in frustration when I called it a night at 10:15. The Sales Director played his Cha 8 better than anyone I've seen. He does not give a flying fuck who he pisses off. Nice!
Next session's in three weeks.