Saturday, August 17, 2013

Recap for tomorrow's game

The sun was gone. The distant ridge of the Tors of Levenies hid the sunset, but the sky was still a bright riot of pinks and blues, which made it easy to see the main structures of the fort. The trip through the town - village almost - of Varnhold had been strange. A monster at the river crossing. Dead animals. The ominous murders of crow sitting on some of the buildings. And always the dark, empty windows glaring down into the streets.

There was a faint rotting smell in most of the village. Stale. You'd think nobody had been there for quite some time. But what, then, was the deal with the faint column of smoke from the keep in the south end of Varnhold?

The entryway into the keep rose to meet the palisade. Beyond, a wooden ramp sloped down into the dark courtyard. A two-story keep loomed at the far end. There were some other buildings, maybe an enclosure of some kind.

Mutt growled.

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